CIBF 国际电池展(深圳)

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China International Battery Fair (CIBF) is an international meeting and the biggest exhibition activity on battery industry, which is sponsored by China Industrial Association of Power Sources. It includes all kinds of activities, such as exhibition, technical seminar, information meeting, trade fair, etc. CIBF is the first brand exhibition, which is registered trademark on 28th, Jan, 1999, and be protected by SAIC. The trademark (CIBF) was renewed in 2009 and 2019.

The first CIBF was held in Tianjin in Sep,1992. CIBF has been held every two years since the second session and has been held for six consecutive session. In 2003, SARS was swept China, the 6th session was delayed to 2004. In 2008, the 8th was held in Tianjin because`Beijing Olympics. In 2010, CIBF has been held successfully in Shenzhen for the first time, but has been held for five consecutive terms until now. 

for CIBF 2021 , we Shanghai Huizhong Exhibition have supplied booth design and construction service for GUSHEN ENERGY , this is our first cooperation for both of us. 

booth No. : 1T119



总公司地址:上海市闵行区浦锦路2049弄(万科VMO花园广场)39栋518室  201114

电话:           021-5812 5575

手机/微信:  13524895126 

深圳办事处:深圳市福田区竹子林五路竹林花园6栋506室 518040

手机/微信:  13662693677 


上一条:为“中航锂电”提供展台设计与搭建服务 下一条:中国国际检验医学暨输血仪器试剂博览会(简称 CACLP)